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Some common sense of infrared forehead thermometer, infrared forehead thermometer manufacturers for you


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  Infrared forehead temperature gun manufacturerIt is believed that all objects with temperatures above zero are constantly emitting infrared energy into the surrounding space. Its radiation characteristics, radiation energy and wavelength distribution are closely related to the surface temperature of the object. Conversely, by measuring the infrared energy radiated by the object itself, the surface temperature can be measured, which is the mechanism of infrared radiation temperature measurement.

  Infrared forehead temperature gun manufacturerIt is believed that the human body, like other living things, radiates infrared energy to its surroundings, with a wavelength of 9-13m. In the near-infrared band of 0.76-100 m, since the light in this wavelength range is not absorbed by the air, that is to say, the infrared radiation of the human body has nothing to do with the environmental impact, but only with the energy stored and released by the human body. Therefore, the surface temperature of the human body can be accurately measured by measuring the infrared energy. According to this principle, the human body infrared temperature sensor is designed and manufactured.

  Infrared forehead temperature gun manufacturerThink the forehead temperature gun is actually a single-chip processing system, the important is the infrared temperature sensor module, it also determines the measurement accuracy. The sensor is very small, reducing the space occupied by the internal circuit, making the product more portable. Infrared thermometer consists of optical system, photoelectric detector, signal amplifier, signal processing, display output and other parts. The optical system collects the infrared radiation energy of the target in its field of view, the size of which is determined by the position of the optical components and the thermometer.

The manufacturer of the infrared forehead temperature gun believes that the infrared radiated by the measured object first enters the optical system of the thermometer, and then the incident infrared is converged by the optical system, so that the energy is more concentrated and the converged infrared is input to the photoelectric detector. The key component of the detector is the infrared sensor, whose task is to convert the optical signal into an electrical signal; the electrical signal output by the photodetector is corrected by the amplifier and signal processing circuit according to the algorithm inside the instrument and the target emissivity, and then converted into the measured The temperature value of the target.

Manufacturers of infrared frontal temperature guns believe that in the use of infrared thermometers, the phenomenon of "inaccurate measurement" often occurs. For example, when measuring body temperature, the display value is significantly lower than normal body temperature or even "L" (temperature is lower than the measurement range), and the data deviation is large when measuring the same person for many times. This situation is usually caused by the following reasons:

1. The ambient temperature does not reach the temperature range specified in the manual, especially in the northern region, long-term use of infrared thermometers in low temperature environments;

2. The forehead temperature was low when the subject was in a cold environment for a long time;

3. When the subject is measuring in a closed environment with high temperature (such as a car with warm air), the forehead temperature is high;

4. The operator did not read the instructions carefully, the measurement method was improper, and the temperature measurement mode was wrong.